Monday, October 27, 2014

WK 3: 21 Day Fix Complete!

Crushed it! Haha. Hey guys so I'm so happy to say I finished my first round of 21 Day Fix. Yay! This program is truly worth doing. Don't get my wrong I love P90X, Insanity, and PiYo, but this program has a uniqueness all on it's own and Autumn definitely knows how to motivate you to bring it every single day. The workouts are only 30 minutes, however the rounds are so intense. It's a good intense though, haha! It's not that super hard, high impact intensity, it's the cardio intervals along with the muscle burning, strength training, butt kicking workouts. Okay, okay, okay, I promise it's doable. I had no shame in modifying up until week 3. But even when I did modify I still had an amazing workout.

It's important to really focus on your nutrition and meal plan as well. Sure it's easy to follow each workout every day, but when it comes to your nutrition you really need to pay attention on your portion control and what you're putting into your body for fuel and recovery. I have to admit I could have done so much better with this department. There were days where I wasn't eating enough, and then there were days where I would go over my limit on protein or carbs, even my sugar intake. But what really kept me in check was my Shakeology. Seriously I notice that when I have my Shakeology right after my workout, I plan out my meals so much better.

And I'm not even kidding. This stuff has been such an impact on my weight loss with my post baby weight gain. It's significantly put a dent in my sugar and junk food cravings, has helped me with recovery, improving my digestive system, and giving me the energy I most definitely need when I work my midnight shift.

If you have ever had your doubts about Shakeology and are still on the fence about it, here are the 5 Shakeology Myths - Debunked by Beachbody Coach Seay Stanford:

#1 Misconception: Shakeology is a protein shake. Shakeology is a very nutrient-dense shake that can be used for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You'd have to eat a whole lot of fruits and vegetables to equal the nutrition in a single glass of Shakeology- and you probably couldn't do it for less than 170 calories.

#2 Misconception: Shakeology is about comparing carbs, proteins, and fats to other shakes. This is not at all what you should be comparing when you look at other shakes vs. Shakeology. Sure, other shakes have 0 grams of sugar. But how do you think those shakes achieve that? Hint, it's not natural. Yup, they are probably using ARTIFICIAL sweeteners to get to 0 grams of sugar. Even fruit has sugar in it. Shakeology has NO artificial sweeteners, NO artificial colors, NO soy, NO artificial stimulants, and NO artificial flavors. The main sweeteners is Stevia, which is plant-based.

#3 Misconception: Shakeology is just a bunch of extracts, with no whole-food ingredients. That's not true. Whenever it's possible and sustainable for the formula, the superfoods in Shakeology are preserved in their whole-food state to retain maximum nutrient value. It's a very difficult process to use whole, plant-based ingredients so that the formula retains as much nutritional value as possible.

#4 Misconception: Shakeology is expensive. Most people will agree that they would spend an average of $3 to $7 on a HEALTHY nutritious meal. Shakeology, at $4.33 per shake, comes in on the LOW END of average (you can make Shakeology into a breakfast or lunch that you'd be buying anyway). You get all of your vitamins and minerals, and whole-food nutrients all in one shake. When you buy a bulk bag of Shakeology, you are buying 30 of your shakes up-front. That means you'll spend less money at the grocery store.

#5 Misconception: Shakeology is only for weight loss. Anything will induce weight loss if it's low enough in calories. Just because you are drinking a shake, does not mean the fat will melt off. Shakeology is about HEALTH. When you put the RIGHT nutrients in your body that it needs to develop, heal, recover, repair, and thrive, you may ultimately have MORE energy, LESS cravings, and FEEL better therefore you eat less and become more active. With Shakeology, weight loss becomes a BY-PRODUCT of dense nutrition. When was the last time you dieted and cut calories only to feel tired, grouchy, and had a ton of cravings? That's only because you may have been nutrient deficient. Shakeology is about DENSE NUTRITION you can use it as your base and add clean calories to make it 30 calories or more. Not everyone needs to lose weight, but everyone needs to be healthier.

So that's my whole speel on Shakeology brought to you by Certified Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach Seay Stanford, who also has 10 years of pharmaceutical experience. Amazing stuff. So happy to share that with you guys.

Anyhow back to my results on the 21 Day Fix. So within 3 weeks I was able to lose a total of 8.25 inches all around: 2 in off my chest, 1/2 in off my arms, 1 1/2 in off my waist, 1 in off my hips, and 1 in off my thighs. So happy! It means I'm making progress, I'm staying consistent and my hard work is paying off. You know at first I was really disappointed and discouraged that I had only lost a total of 2 pounds from this program. But I really had to tell myself that it's not about the numbers on the scale. It's about how you feel, how you're fitting in your clothes, and how much progress you're making even if it's small. Plus, muscle weighs more than fat ;)

So what's next on my list you ask? Well, well...I'm glad you asked. FOCUS T25 with the man himself, Shaun T. Oh yea. I'm definitely kicking my cardio up into high gear because I need it. But I am anxious to get and start Les Mills Pump. Hehe. I absolutely love weight training, so when I get that I may just turn this into a hybrid. Stay tuned!

As always thank you for following me and letting me share my journey with you. I hope in some ways I am inspiring you and motivating you to get off your butt and making today count. Remember you are the only one holding yourself back from greatness. So go out there and hustle!

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