Monday, February 2, 2015

Insanity Max 30: Day 30 update and on to Month 2

Hey guys,

So if you've been following me I just finished my first month of Insanity Max 30. And let me tell you, even though I haven't had huge results, my endurance and cardio has improved so much from Day 1. I have to admit it's been so hard trying to lose the rest of my post baby weight these past few months. With a hectic schedule of being a military mommy I have to admit I'm struggling with staying consistent with my eating habits, my sleeping routine, and managing my time wisely. The only strong point that I do have is getting my workouts in. Let me tell you I'm so excited to be back in the gym lifting weights. I decided since my goal is to compete as a figure model in 2017 I need to get strong and gain definition and muscle, so it's time to get back at it. Now I'm doing cardio and strengthening. Some may say I'm juggling too much at once, and call me crazy but that's what I crave! Lol. I know it's not wise to have too much on my plate because then I won't get the adequate rest I need in order to repair and recover, but I know I can handle it. I just need to be more organized and wise with my time.

So here are my 30 day results:
I successfully lost 3 pounds and a total of 3.5 inches total. Sure it may not seem much, but to me it's progress! Lately most of us seek that instant change in weight loss, that chiseled 6-pack, and the perfect toned body. But everyone is different and everyone will shed off the weight slower than others. So in my mind, I'm the tortoise in this race. Slow and steady. I have to admit, I'm a bit of a competitor, especially with myself, so I do have my moments where I get frustrated and disappointed. I have negative comments about myself just like any Mommy does when she works on getting her body back after having beautiful babies. I'm only human. But what makes you successful is the consistency, the drive, the motivation, and the determination to keep going. Love your body for what it is and what you are aspiring it to become. Always remind yourself that it will take time, but you will be successful!
Month 1 is down. Now it's time to rock out and crush month 2. Who is still in their fitness and health game? January is already over and we're already in the 2nd day of February. Are you still chugging away at your New Year resolutions to lose weight and meet your goal head on? Or have you lost your motivation to keep going and think that what you started isn't worth it? I dare you to NOT give up on yourself!!! Keep going, no matter what you're feeling that day. Even if you think you're too tired or you're too lazy. Get up and do something. This is your year to shine! Don't let time pass you by again and again. Make it count. Zero limits. Inspire to Be GREAT! 

"Today is my tomorrow. It's up to me to shape it, to take control and seize every opportunity. The power is in the choices I make each day. I eat well, I live well. I shape me."