Saturday, May 24, 2014

Fitness and Pregnancy @ 32 Weeks

This morning my left knee started swelling, causing me to have limited extension in my leg. I experienced uncomfortable pain while walking. So, I went to the ER to make sure there wasn't anything major with the baby. Thankfully it was only a mild swelling from the baby weight I had gained. Now that I am in my third trimester I have been noticing how much my body has transformed throughout my pregnancy. It's been quite a challenge not being able to just maintain a strong physique and the ability to push my body to the limits that I know it can handle. It becomes a completely different ball game when God blesses you with carrying a child. Sure there are mommas out there who still continue their regular workout routine and still perform in 'beast mode' :D however, we still have limitations and realize that our sole priority is the safety of our unborn child. 

These past eight months have been an eye opener. This is my first pregnancy and I am so thrilled and so grateful with every experience God has given me. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be here after my two miscarriages in 2012 and 2013. God is good. Although, every day I miss being able to train my body like I used to. I was doing Insanity and P90X every day and I was finally getting back in my groove of seeing results. I was back down to 157 pounds, shooting for my 145 pound weight goal by the end of Insanity. Then, I get a sweet baby boy implanted inside me. At times I feel defeated or lazy that I didn't do as much as I should have. For instance, walking that extra mile at lunch or not eating as healthy as I should have; and just not being overall consistent. It's hard hearing your midwife tell you that you're gaining too much weight and that it's excessive. It really got to me. Especially being the athletic and fitness type of person that I am. Yes, every woman carries their weight differently but it can be discouraging. Currently, I weigh 193 pounds. Which means I have gained well over 35 pounds. Ugh! Which means I have to work that much harder after I have this little guy. 

On the upside of it all is that this is not permanent! I say again, this is only TEMPORARY. I took a break from school and have had sooooo much time to reflect on what I plan on doing to bounce back on my feet. I have been researching new workouts, new fitness programs (Focus T25, 21 Day Fix, PiYo, P90X2 & 3), new health tips, new supplements (Shakeology), etc. I continue to follow fitness gurus and motivators on social media that have such inspiring transformations and their success stories. I think to myself, "Hey, I'm next!" Seeing these ordinary people transform their bodies and their way of living gives me the drive and the fire I need when I paint my success story and share that journey to others who will also feel motivated to change as well. This is what I am looking forward to as a Beach Body coach. 

So if you're interested in learning more about my ability to help you, guide you, motivate you, or simply to inspire you along your journey through fitness and healthy choices please feel free to follow my blog. Or by all means shoot me an email. Let me be a part of your team, a part of your life. I would love to hear your story, your journey, and your goals to build a greater you and help you be successful!

If you're interested in taking that chance and committing to leading a healthier lifestyle, please feel free to fill out my challenge group application:

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"If you want to change anything, you do it inside, not outside. The whole idea is total responsibility. There's no one to blame. It is all you."