Thursday, July 31, 2014

Announcing 3-Day Refresh

This is exciting stuff! Sorry it has taken me so long to post this and let you guys in on this amazing cleanse that Beachbody has created. 

What is the 3 Day Refresh?
It is a program that helps you fast-track your weight loss, kick-start healthy eating, and get a clean break from bad nutrition habits. Simple and straight forward, it is a program that will help cleanse your body and improve the way you feel- without starving yourself. Unlike juice cleanses or liquid fasts which tend to be high in sugar and low in protein (leaving you feeling weak, hungry, and sluggish), this easy-to-follow program helps support your metabolism while nourishing your vital organs

For 3 days you'll follow a program of 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, plenty of filtered water, plus a wide array of fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats throughout the day to keep your energy and metabolism going.

Why Refresh?
Let's see...who's every kept their fitness and health on track all week long and then the weekend comes along and you say to yourself, "the heck with it, I've earned it." And just completely blown all the hard work you did. Now you feel guilty and horrible. Or maybe you've never been a healthy person and are interested in finally starting to make a better change for yourself. Maybe, you're just ready to jump into a clean eating program that you've always wanted to do. Whatever your reasoning is, this is a great nutritional cleanse that will help you get back on track. It's the easiest way to break the cycle of bad eating habits while creating new ones, conquer your cravings, flatten your tummy, feel lighter and more energized, sleep more soundly, detoxify your body, and dramatically improve the way you feel- ALL WITHOUT STARVING!

How does the 3-Day Refresh work?
For 3 days you'll have a superfood-packed Shakeology shake for breakfast along with a fruit option; a Fiber Sweep digestive health drink later in the morning; a satisfying, high- protein Vanilla Fresh shake for lunch, accompanied by fresh fruit, vegetables, and healthy fat options throughout the afternoon. For dinner, you'll have another Vanilla Fresh shake along with your choice from a list of delicious, easy-to-prepare dinner recipes. You can also have tea twice a day and as much filtered water as you like.

What sets 3-Day Refresh apart from other 3-Day cleanse programs?
Juice cleanses and other popular short-term cleanses provide incomplete nutrition promoting muscle loss instead of fat loss and can cause rebound due to the lack of adequate protein, low fiber, and/or high sugar levels. Many juice cleanses range from $50-$70 per day, while this 3-day program is only $23 per day for the complete kit. It offers a superior nutritional solution and also will serve as a great door opener for purchases of Shakeology and/or the Ultimate Reset.

What to expect when you're Refreshing.
The 3-day Refresh is a low-calorie program (about 900 calories a day) but because the shakes and fresh food selections are high in protein and fiber, they will help keep you satiated throughout the day. Because this program is packed with fiber, if you don't already have a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, it's a good idea to prepare for the 3-Day Refresh by eating a salad and/or a few servings of fresh veggies throughout the week leading up to it.
If you get gas or bloating, this is a sign that you need to up your level of fiber. Fiber promotes satiety, balances blood sugar, promotes cardiovascular health, and keeps your digestive tract functioning. It gas is an issue, we've highlighted the "low gas-producing' options in the veggie list and dinner recipes in the menu guide. 
It's also incredibly important to stay hydrated during the 3-Day Refresh. Water is the body's lubricant and is required for every major process. It keeps your digestion flowing, flushes out toxins, keeps your system balanced, and helps control hunger. 


 I will be having a 3 Day Refresh challenge group beginning August 22, 2014. This will be an amazing way to start the weekend and prevent you from back tracking from all the awesome hard work you've been doing throughout the week. It will also leave you feeling refreshed come Monday! So please fill out this form so I can give you more information and get you started. 

"Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work." -Ralph Marston

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Week 3 Post Pregnancy Fit Update

 Okay, so here is my week 3 update. I now weigh 177.8 pounds, starting to feel stronger, and seeing my waistline shrink back to where it was before my belly bump started to form. I still have a long way to go. Sometimes it seems like I can do so much more every single day, but it's so much harder when you are a new mommy; and just a mommy in general. I thought working out was hard being pregnant, but finding the energy and the time now that I have a newborn is even harder. However, I will not let this stop me from doing what I love and for me to reach my goals in being a strong super mom! 

Lately, for my workouts I have put off P90X until August 4th when I start up my PiYo challenge group. I am determined to do a hybrid workout with both fitness programs. Oh boy! I don't know how I will fit it in but I will definitely try. But for now I have been consistently doing the Spartan 30 day push-up challenge as well as incorporating walking, stretching, as well as core and back strengthening. Even though it's not much, I know it's the little things that will add up and I will benefit from once I do get back in the groove.
So, thank you so much for all of you who are following me and in my journey. Remember there are zero limits to what you want in your life. Always dream big because you never know what you can accomplish unless you put your entire heart and soul into it. Inspire to be great!

"If you have a strong commitment to your goals and dreams, if you wake up every day with a passion to do your job, every thing is possible." -Chantal Petitclerc

Friday, July 25, 2014

PiYo Challenge- Begins August 4, 2014

Aloha Friday everyone! I'm so happy to announce my next challenge group extravaganza...PiYo. I'm so thrilled because this will be my continued fitness workout since having my newborn. For the past three weeks I have had to rest and recover. It seems like I have taken a year off by doing the bare minimum of what I am used to. But it's good to realize that sometimes our body needs the recovery process before we can come back strong and even better than who we were. So this is what I'm looking forward to. Are you up for the challenge??!

So what is PiYo?
Chalene Johnson took the very best Pilates- and yoga-inspired moves and cranked up the speed to give you full-throttle cardio, strength, and flexibility training—all at once. PiYo packs it ALL into each workout so you can build lean muscle mass—as you're burning crazy calories.

Now you can carve every inch of your body. 

How? You'll use your body weight to perform a series of continuous, targeted moves, to burn fat as you redefine every single muscle. No weights. No jumps. Just hardcore results.

The result? Problem areas become no problem. You can get sleek, long arms; sexy, flat abs; a tight, lifted butt; and the confidence that comes from knowing you're at your best!

This is your chance to define exactly how you want to look—and how you want to feel. You're in control.

You have the power to define yourself.
Now use it.

How long is the Challenge?
Alright. So how long do you have to commit yourself until it pays off? Well the challenge is 60 days of sweat, hard work, dedication, strength, stamina, determination, clean eating and Shakeology. Is it possible? Of course it is! Any one, it doesn't matter where you are in life, is capable of getting healthier and fitter, but only if you commit and stay consistent. Consistency is key! As your coach, I will be here to support you every step of the way. I will hold you accountable, help keep you motivated and determined to reach your goals, and help you carry on a healthier lifestyle. So what's holding you back? You can do anything you put your mind to. So, join me in this journey in sculpting a better life in fitness and health.

Transformation/Success stories.

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Friday, July 18, 2014

30 day Shakeology Transformation

I'm so proud to announce an amazing 30 day Shakeology transformation by yours truly, and my husband, Conrado Bishop. He took the challenge and couldn't be happier with the results! His goals were to get leaner, enhance his definition, and look more toned. Not only did he want his body to transform, but also curb his junk food cravings, increase his energy levels, and recover from his intense workouts. 

His weight started at 185 with 18% body fat. After the 30 days, he gained 12 pounds of muscle mass and reduced his body fat by 3 percent.  How cool is that? With a little effort of replacing one meal a day with Shakeology consistently for 30 days, you can get the results you want. It can even amaze you and exceed your expectations.

Amazing results don't happen over night. You have to remember it's the little things that add up. If you take the time to make small smart decisions each day, you will create a compound effect of successful results over time. 

"The strongest factor for success is self-esteem: Believing you can do it, believing you deserve it, believing you will get it."

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Fitness & Pregnancy Update

Sorry everyone, it's been awhile since I've written my last blog. Luckily, I have a great excuse....I had my son!! Konrad Keilani Mirador Bishop. Born on July 6, 2014. He came a week early and oh boy was it unexpected.

My water broke while we just got home from running errands. I was getting ready to sit down and felt a slight wetness just come out uncontrollably. I thought I peed myself but was thinking, "well I had absolute no control over that." I ran to the bathroom, sat on the toilet and yelled at my husband in a confused manner telling him, "Honey, I think my water just broke?" He was in absolute awe and shock and didn't know what to do. So after it sunk in for a quick minute, I quickly changed into a fresh pair of paints, we got our baby stuff ready, and off we went.

28 long, exhausting, and excruciating hours later...Konrad was born! Holy moly, those moments were the most painful yet happiest moments in my entire life. The labor, the contractions, the lack of sleep, and the 3 hours of pushing, was all worth it once I had my son in my arms. And here he is...
How blessed are we? My husband and I have waited so long for this precious moment and now it's finally here. God is good. He has blessed us tremendously.

So, during the first week of recovery I was miserably swollen and tired. My feet were ridiculously huge, it hurt to walk and be on them for just a few hours, my back was sore from the epidural, my arms were burning from pushing in all the positions the nurse had me go through, and my entire body was ready to shut down and be in sleep mode for a while. But I was a brand new momma and I wasn't going to let that affect my time with my son.

After the first week, I started feeling somewhat normal. Slowly started to get back into a routine. Well kind of. Haha! I haven't had much sleep, but I was used to it my last 2 months of pregnancy so it's been hard trying to prioritize my time and get back on track with my Beachbody Coach stuff. However, I am so happy to announce how much P90X and Shakeology has made a big difference throughout my last 2 months of pregnancy.

So here it is....
Before I was pregnant I weighed 152 pounds. Throughout my pregnancy, my weight gain fluctuated and some months my gains were right on track and others it was too much. All in all, I ended up gaining 45 pounds, weighing at 197. Today, I weigh 181. Woo hoo! Not too shabby for just the first week post pregnant. I can't express enough how staying consistent is the main ingredient to everything! Not only in health and fitness but in life as a whole.

This experience has been such an awesome journey thus far. However, it isn't over. I'm excited to announce that I have 2 more months of P90X to destroy and will be introducing my PiYo workout starting August 4, 2014! This will be my next challenge group. So if you're interested in taking on a 60 day PiYo & Shakeology challenge, please don't hesitate to contact me and fill out my form. I would love to have you start on your transformation story and help you along the way to meet your goals. So, act fast! It's never too late to start today.

"You don't get it by STARING
You don't get it by WISHING
You don't get it by DROOLING
You don't get it by HOPING
You don't get it EASY
You get it by getting off your ass
every SECOND of every day
for the rest of your LIFE."  

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Slight Edge

"The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson is another amazing self development book that I have been reading in the past month. It's quite similar to "The Compound Effect" but in a slightly different context. I half read halfway through the book and just wanted to share some highlights that I think will be extremely effective in becoming successful in your goals, your fitness, your health, your relationships, your finances, and life in general.

Here's the first one.

"When people are looking down the barrel of failure in their lives, they will do whatever it takes to get themselves moving, something, anything, to start climbing upward toward the point of survival. And then, once they get to the point where they're keeping their heads above water, they start heading back down again. As they start getting close enough to the failure line that they can see it coming, they go, "Whoops, I'm headed towards failure!" and then they do whatever it takes to turn their trajectory around and start heading back up...and the cycle repeats."

Why do we do this? I know I've done it so many times. For instance, my finances. In more detail, my credit card debt. I have the knowledge on how to pay it off, I know what I need to do in order to pay it down as quick as I can in order to keep paying interest and I know what I should not do in order to avoid my credit score. However, why do I still continue to max out my credit cards? Why do I say to myself, "well it's just this one time." But yet again, I keep repeating these bad habits. Because it's so easy to do. It's so easy to just jump right back into what you did before. It's easy to say, well I can just do it again one more time. What we don't realize is that it's just as easy to tell yourself "no, not this time." It's just as easy to grab that credit card and cut it into small little pieces and throw it in the trash so that you're not tempted to spend the money you worked so hard to pay off. How often do we do this to ourselves?


"No matter how good the information is, it won't do you any good unless you have the right catalyst that will let you apply it effectively. Your philosophy creates your attitudes, which creates our actions, which create your results, which creates your life."

This is so true. You are capable of being successful only if you truly dedicate yourself. What is your philosophy? What is your philosophy in your health and fitness? Sure we all have that dream body we dream of but do we actually put the time in to actually make it come true. Do we have the catalyst, that chemical change that we embark upon ourselves to undergo that permanent change? Of course we do. But it's how we choose to apply it effectively. It's driven within our minds, our attitude, our actions!


"It's never too late to start. It's always too late to wait."

How many of us say, "ugh someday. Someday I'll make it happen" or "one day I'll get back into a workout routine" or "yea, I'll look into starting a retirement fund", etc. Then a year goes by and you're still telling yourself the same thing; nothing happens. Two years go by and you're still waiting for it to happen but have not applied a single effort. Sure life can get busy but we still make time for what we want. So we have no one to blame but ourselves for how our life has turned out. We have no one to blame for how our fitness has declined or how our eating habits aren't up to par. We base our daily living from habits we've acquired through years and years of influences. It all starts from our childhood and bleeds into our adulthood. We never stray away from what and who influenced us. Not until we realize that we can change. We're capable of adapting. It's okay to slowly incorporate new healthy habits in order for us to reach success, in order for us to reach those goals. It's okay to deserve something you believe in.

So tell yourself that it's never too late to kick start your workout. It's not too late to start investing in your retirement. It's not too late to start learning how to play the ukulele. It's not too late to take hula lessons. And it's never too late to go after your dreams. 

"Don't be defined by your past, your past is the tutor of you present and is always preparing you for new experience. Forget about disappointment or any past mistakes that is keeping you from moving forward. It's never too late for a new beginning."