Thursday, July 31, 2014

Announcing 3-Day Refresh

This is exciting stuff! Sorry it has taken me so long to post this and let you guys in on this amazing cleanse that Beachbody has created. 

What is the 3 Day Refresh?
It is a program that helps you fast-track your weight loss, kick-start healthy eating, and get a clean break from bad nutrition habits. Simple and straight forward, it is a program that will help cleanse your body and improve the way you feel- without starving yourself. Unlike juice cleanses or liquid fasts which tend to be high in sugar and low in protein (leaving you feeling weak, hungry, and sluggish), this easy-to-follow program helps support your metabolism while nourishing your vital organs

For 3 days you'll follow a program of 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, plenty of filtered water, plus a wide array of fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats throughout the day to keep your energy and metabolism going.

Why Refresh?
Let's see...who's every kept their fitness and health on track all week long and then the weekend comes along and you say to yourself, "the heck with it, I've earned it." And just completely blown all the hard work you did. Now you feel guilty and horrible. Or maybe you've never been a healthy person and are interested in finally starting to make a better change for yourself. Maybe, you're just ready to jump into a clean eating program that you've always wanted to do. Whatever your reasoning is, this is a great nutritional cleanse that will help you get back on track. It's the easiest way to break the cycle of bad eating habits while creating new ones, conquer your cravings, flatten your tummy, feel lighter and more energized, sleep more soundly, detoxify your body, and dramatically improve the way you feel- ALL WITHOUT STARVING!

How does the 3-Day Refresh work?
For 3 days you'll have a superfood-packed Shakeology shake for breakfast along with a fruit option; a Fiber Sweep digestive health drink later in the morning; a satisfying, high- protein Vanilla Fresh shake for lunch, accompanied by fresh fruit, vegetables, and healthy fat options throughout the afternoon. For dinner, you'll have another Vanilla Fresh shake along with your choice from a list of delicious, easy-to-prepare dinner recipes. You can also have tea twice a day and as much filtered water as you like.

What sets 3-Day Refresh apart from other 3-Day cleanse programs?
Juice cleanses and other popular short-term cleanses provide incomplete nutrition promoting muscle loss instead of fat loss and can cause rebound due to the lack of adequate protein, low fiber, and/or high sugar levels. Many juice cleanses range from $50-$70 per day, while this 3-day program is only $23 per day for the complete kit. It offers a superior nutritional solution and also will serve as a great door opener for purchases of Shakeology and/or the Ultimate Reset.

What to expect when you're Refreshing.
The 3-day Refresh is a low-calorie program (about 900 calories a day) but because the shakes and fresh food selections are high in protein and fiber, they will help keep you satiated throughout the day. Because this program is packed with fiber, if you don't already have a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, it's a good idea to prepare for the 3-Day Refresh by eating a salad and/or a few servings of fresh veggies throughout the week leading up to it.
If you get gas or bloating, this is a sign that you need to up your level of fiber. Fiber promotes satiety, balances blood sugar, promotes cardiovascular health, and keeps your digestive tract functioning. It gas is an issue, we've highlighted the "low gas-producing' options in the veggie list and dinner recipes in the menu guide. 
It's also incredibly important to stay hydrated during the 3-Day Refresh. Water is the body's lubricant and is required for every major process. It keeps your digestion flowing, flushes out toxins, keeps your system balanced, and helps control hunger. 


 I will be having a 3 Day Refresh challenge group beginning August 22, 2014. This will be an amazing way to start the weekend and prevent you from back tracking from all the awesome hard work you've been doing throughout the week. It will also leave you feeling refreshed come Monday! So please fill out this form so I can give you more information and get you started. 

"Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work." -Ralph Marston

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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