Friday, July 25, 2014

PiYo Challenge- Begins August 4, 2014

Aloha Friday everyone! I'm so happy to announce my next challenge group extravaganza...PiYo. I'm so thrilled because this will be my continued fitness workout since having my newborn. For the past three weeks I have had to rest and recover. It seems like I have taken a year off by doing the bare minimum of what I am used to. But it's good to realize that sometimes our body needs the recovery process before we can come back strong and even better than who we were. So this is what I'm looking forward to. Are you up for the challenge??!

So what is PiYo?
Chalene Johnson took the very best Pilates- and yoga-inspired moves and cranked up the speed to give you full-throttle cardio, strength, and flexibility training—all at once. PiYo packs it ALL into each workout so you can build lean muscle mass—as you're burning crazy calories.

Now you can carve every inch of your body. 

How? You'll use your body weight to perform a series of continuous, targeted moves, to burn fat as you redefine every single muscle. No weights. No jumps. Just hardcore results.

The result? Problem areas become no problem. You can get sleek, long arms; sexy, flat abs; a tight, lifted butt; and the confidence that comes from knowing you're at your best!

This is your chance to define exactly how you want to look—and how you want to feel. You're in control.

You have the power to define yourself.
Now use it.

How long is the Challenge?
Alright. So how long do you have to commit yourself until it pays off? Well the challenge is 60 days of sweat, hard work, dedication, strength, stamina, determination, clean eating and Shakeology. Is it possible? Of course it is! Any one, it doesn't matter where you are in life, is capable of getting healthier and fitter, but only if you commit and stay consistent. Consistency is key! As your coach, I will be here to support you every step of the way. I will hold you accountable, help keep you motivated and determined to reach your goals, and help you carry on a healthier lifestyle. So what's holding you back? You can do anything you put your mind to. So, join me in this journey in sculpting a better life in fitness and health.

Transformation/Success stories.

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