Tuesday, October 21, 2014

End of Week 2 of 21 Day Fix

Holy cow those two weeks flew by and I have not been that sore for 14 consecutive days in a long time. But I was loving every single minute of it. There were some days that I had missed and had to make up by doing doubles the next day. Wowza! That's tough. I told myself never again but now that I'm in my last week, I'm thinking heck why not?! 21 days right?
I do have to admit it's been tough seeing myself not drop in weight. After the first week was done, I was really shooting for 5 pounds and ended up gaining 2. Ugh! How did that happen right? I quickly got discouraged but continued to fight the good fight and love what I do....hustle the workout. And I kept going regardless. So let's consider the factors here that we have no control over. I just gave birth to a child 3 months ago and my body is still trying to recover. It took 9 months for my body to transform to accomodate my beautiful son, so it's going to take just as long to go back to where I started pre-pregnancy. It's so hard to really truly accept this because I'm so determined to just chisel away at my fat and see results. But I know that it's going to take time. It's going to take time. Jules....it's going to take time! I just have to accept it and strive on. Stay on this path and just keep doing what I'm doing. Come next year this time, I will be looking back and telling myself, 'Great job! You didn't give up.' 

I know it's hard. Trust me. I'm a full time mommy and I'm a full time active duty working the grave yard shift. And that in itself messes up my body, my sleeping pattern, thus my clarity. But I make those sacrifices to be at home with my son. To be a good mom to him, and to be an amazing role model both physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. In essence, he is my 'WHY' power. He is my main reason why I dream so big because I would want him to dream big and go hard for what he believes he is meant to be; that God intended for him to be on this earth. And oh boy! He is going to be great, he will be great. 

So! Now back to my 21 Day fix update. The two weeks of portion control, clean eating, and the awesome 30 minute workouts a day...here is what I have to show for it. I'm still at the weight I had started at, which is 169 pounds (grrr!). But that's okay. I was able to shed 1/2 inch off my chest, 1 inch from my waist, 1/2 inch off my hips, 3 inches from thighs, with a total of 4.5 inches lost all around. Yay! I can't complain about that. Now even though it may seem small, these small losses will gradually start to add up. Seriously, they will. It may not seem like a lot right now, but it's sure is better than no progress at all.  

This is my last week and this is a perfect picture to keep me driven in finishing strong. You have to remember why you started!!! So before making another unhealthy choice...remember how your clothes don't fit, your body feels sluggish, your skin doesn't glow, you don't have energy, you want to feel beautiful, you're regretting what you ate, you're wishing you worked out, you wanted to change. Know that you are worth it to commit yourself to be great, to be inspired, and to be healthy. And most importantly encourage others to do the same. 

Don't give up! Don't give in! I'm actually going to do another round of the Fix if you'd like to join me. Starting November 3rd I will be kick starting another challenge group called, "Earn that Turkey". Woo hoo!! We all know we stuff ourselves full to the brim with Thanksgiving food, baked goods, sweet, comforty goodness. But it's time to re-focus and re-group. Learn how to manage your portion control, how to prevent yourself from over eating and over indulging. Most importantly to keep your fitness in line and on track regardless if it's the Holiday Season. Don't get me wrong. The Holidays are my absolute favorite time of the year...CHRISTMAS! Forget about it!! Haha. But were here to make smart healthy choices because I truly believe in ending the trend to obesity one person at a time. So please, if you're serious about making a change and implementing a healthier lifestyle then come join my kick ass group! I'll help you with your goals. We can and we will do it together. Fill out my application to get started. Let's make it happen!!

"People who fail focus on what they will have to go through; people who succeed focus on what they will feel like at the end." -Anthony Robbins-

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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