Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Holiday Tips: How to Avoid Overeating

Okay, so the holiday season is here ya'll! And it is all about the food, the smells, the goodies, the sweets, the aromas, and just the comfort of feasting with close friends and family. Growing up, my mom was always going full force in the kitchen making tons and tons of food for the holidays. And it wasn't just your basic turkey, or ham, it was authentic Filipino food. Which consisted of pancit, egg rolls, chicken adobo, dinuguan, chicken pastel, rice, leche flan, etc...and it went on and on. This didn't include what my aunts and uncles made either.

So I was born and raised around big holiday food tradition. The comfort of these smells and foods is why it is so common that majority of people overeat an overindulge during this time of year. We seek pleasure in our eating and attach it to our emotions, what we felt, what it reminds us of, and that satisfaction when we eat it. However, if you're looking to change your lifestyle and live healthier, but still enjoy those childhood memories then here are a few tips to avoid over eating and over indulging during the holiday season.

After you over do it, in this case over eat, look at the situation realistically. Depriving yourself of every treat, goodie, or yummy tasty alcoholic beverage you enjoy, will make it more difficult, especially when you see it surrounding you during this time of year. So, instead of resisting try to aim in maintaining your weight over the holidays, especially if you have had recent success with losing weight.

*Emotional Triggers*
Often times holiday over eating is triggered by emotions and memories, both good and bad. Just like how I described my childhood memories with my mom cooking a Filipino feast (Yumo!). Instead of reflecting back and getting carried away by all your fun filled food memories, try this. Before you head out to a holiday party, family dinner, or a friend's holiday brunch, think about the memories connected. By being aware of your feelings, it may help you over come the temptation to bring on happy feelings with an extra serving of pumpkin pie or smothering your bad feelings with a handful of snickerdoodle cookies.

*Have a Strategy*

Creating a strategy before a holiday party will help you make healthier choices. For instance, portion control.
1. Drink a glass of water before you eat. It will take up space and is calorie free.
2. Start with the fruits and veggies. This gives you the opportunity to eat healthy at first, that way if you're tempted to eat that decadent cheesecake, you may not have any room left.
3. Skip dips and dressings. These are extra calories that can be easily avoided.
4. Eat slowly and wait 20 minutes. It takes 20 minutes for you brain to realize you're full. So by the time 20 minutes rolls by you might find you don't want that second helping of dessert or even want it at all.
5. Try small amounts of multiple foods. This will give you variety, along with having smaller portions.
6. Limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol involves empty calories. Drink your one favorite drink and stick to water the rest of the night. However, everyone enjoys a cup of holiday cheer. So if you do decide to make it more than a cup, make a point to drink a full glass of water between drinks.
7. Stay social by meeting new people or catching up with friends/ family. You can avoid over eating or over indulging all together.
8. Stick to your exercise regime. This will help you keep your momentum and won't be so hard to pick back up after the holidays are over.
9. Make a list of the GOOD reasons you don't want to gain weight over the holidays or why you want to lose weight come the New Year. So for example, I want to finally have a six pack by summer time, or I want to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans by Spring.
10. Don't beat yourself up! If you do slip up at a party, don't be so hard on yourself. It is the holidays after all. Tomorrow is a new day and you will have an opportunity to do better and feel amazing about making good healthy choices.

If you think you over did it and you want to get back on that healthy train to success for the New Year and need help, then come join one of my online VIP Facebook challenge groups to help get you back on track, keep you accountable, motivated, and get the support you need to train for success. You can have me as your coach for Free for 60 days. I will help mold you into a better you come 2015. Ring in the New Year with a new and healthier you. Only you have the ability to change who you want to be and to seek greatness into your life. So stop waiting and wondering and join my group!

Fill out the application below and we will discuss in further detail the perfect program for you :) Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
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