Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tis the Season: Santa's Fitmas Challenge

We are seriously down to only a month and a half until 2015 is here. What are your New Year Resolutions? And why are you waiting until January 1st to commit to them and start? Did you know that losing weight is the number 1 resolution that people have on their list? And that 38% of Americans absolutely never meet their goal. That's a huge percentage! What's even more interesting is the time frame of how much people are dedicated with their New Year resolution come January 1st. So, within the first week 75% of Americans stick to their guns. Then 2 weeks the percentage decreases to 71%. One month goes by and the percentage decreases even more to 64%. And that's within the first month! Eek. Then half the year goes by and within 6 months, only 46% of Americans are still sticking to their resolutions. More than half of us give up and quit on our New Year resolution half way into the year. But not this year! My goal is to help as many people as I can to keep the momentum alive and to help people realize how much your hard work will pay off when you stay consistent in your goals to lose weight.

So here is my offer to you! I will be running an exclusive, VIP holiday fitness group called "Santa's Fitnmas Challenge" that is going to start November 24th. This will be an awesome, fun 60 day challenge that will help you get through the holidays without gaining any extra pounds that you're already trying to keep off and/ or lose, keep you motivated and accountable, give you 24/7 support, teach you about meal planning and prepping, give you tips and advice on how not to over indulge or over eat, tips on how to get back on the right track when you do have a bad day, show you how Shakeology can put a huge positive impact on your nutrition, provide healthy recipes and snack ideas, and so much more!

I am looking for 5 committed, amazing people who are ready to push it to their limit and reach their goals. If this is you and you're ready to be all in for the next 60-90 days, please fill out my application.

"Believe that you can and you are half way there!"

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