Thursday, June 5, 2014

What is a challenge group?

Aloha everyone! Have you ever felt alone or discouraged in your recent fitness loss goal or healthy diet? Have you ever been that person to try every diet out there and are still stuck in a yo-yo weight loss battle? Would you like to find something more challenging, more motivating, and have undivided support as well as accountability? Then a challenge group is what you need!

As a Beach Body Coach, I provide challenge groups that involve a 30/60/90 day group. It is all done through a closed online Facebook support group. So, only the members of the group can see what is being posted. Valuable information is provided by me, your Beach Body Coach, that includes planning meals, providing recipes, snack ideas, tips, motivation, fitness & health benefits, and holding you accountable. Additionally, you will be required to replace One meal a day with a nutritional supplement of Shakeology. This is supercharged with ingredients that will give you natural energy, curbs cravings, and will help keep you full for at least 3 hours. Most importantly, we will plan and customize your health and fitness goals, keep a logged journal of your progress, as well as take visual photos to see your improvements throughout the challenge. Every day I will challenge and encourage you by posting daily inspiration and the reasons why fitness is important. You are responsible for checking in, reading what is posted, and engaging in how you feel about your workouts and meal planning; as well as any questions you may have. Lastly, we will discuss how to address emotional eating, eating out at restaurants, how to handle temptations, cheat meals, body image and more!

This is a great way to interact with other challengers who will not only support you but are also in it with you. Together we can all significantly motivate and empower one another, as well as inspire each other to keep pushing forward. Anyone is capable of making a change, it's up to you to make that difference today! It is never too late!

So set your calenders and get ready to get fit: June 23rd is the day we start our amazing challenge group. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, and how to get started. Act now because it books fast! Do you have what it takes?!?

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity" -Amelia Earhart

If you're interested in taking that leap of faith and letting me help guide you as a coach, please feel free to fill out this form: 

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