Monday, June 9, 2014

P90X: Reunited

 It's been tough to get up and get moving this past week. With being 35 weeks pregnant, catching an annoying cold, swollen feet, a huge belly, how can I motivate myself to want to do anything? I have to WANT it. That's the key factor. We live in a world where we expect things to just come to us. We look for the next best cheat diet, that one 'quick fix'. But does it really benefit us in the end? We get excited because we hear this and that, so we amplify those rumors and try it ourselves. Only to find out, a month or two later, we're back to ground zero. 

Here's a different challenge. A fitness program that anyone can commit to. I've done it before and I can do it again. P90X here I come. Even though I'm pregnant and will be in labor and delivery in a month, I know I can at least get off my feet and start today. Sure I'll have my struggles, I will have to modify my work out, but hey no one is going to stop me except me. So what will you decide? 

Success is only achieved by those who are consistent in their goals, their dreams, and their drive to WANT it. Time is what makes the difference between someone who just wants it quick and fast, or someone who actually puts in the hard work every day, and expects nothing short of a miracle. Let's go back to the basic fundamentals. Jump start your life by implementing good habits, discipline, and hard work with small steps. 

Push yourself. No one is going to do it for you. Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. Time will pass by anyway. Seize every opportunity that will challenge you. You are capable of anything! Do your best, and forget the rest. 

If you need the encouragement, the motivation, message me! I will help you get started. I will be your coach, your motivator, your trainer, your encourager, your light at the end of the tunnel. Join my challenge group, ask me about Beach Body fitness groups, and the nutritional benefits of Shakeology. Improve your health and fitness today!

"One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat" -Napoleon Hill 

If you're interested and are serious in making a change in your health and fitness, please take the time to fill out this application:

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