Sunday, June 22, 2014

The New Summer Sizzle Beachbody Fitness Program: PiYo

PiYo has finally made out for everyone to get their hands on! How exciting!! This new summer sizzle Beachbody fitness program is the talk of getting that toned, defined body that all of us dream of. Well it's time to turn those dreams into reality. Chalene Johnson, collaborated Pilates and Yoga and created a high intensity, low impact fitness program. She cranked up the speed to in order to incorporate a full-throttle cardio, strength, and flexibility training- all in one. This will help build muscle mass as well as burn fat at the same time. This is a hot ticket item and I plan on getting my hands on it for my post pregnancy workout. Will you join me? This will be a great opportunity to start something AMAZING for yourself :)

Here are a few success stories:

One of the incredible women who has experienced an amazing body transformation is Amy A., a mom of 3 who used PiYo and Shakeology to reshape her body and lose over 30 lbs!  Check out her amazing journey below in her own words:

I was 38 years old when I made the decision to dedicate my heart and soul to doing whatever it took to get my health and fitness back. I was the mother of 3 beautiful children, and I was not able to be the kind of mother I knew I wanted to be, or could be for them.  I had spent years in poor health, all the while my doctors said that I was “fine” according to their tests.  I knew I was NOT fine.  I had weekly migraines, digestive problems (indigestion, chronic yeast infections and constipation).  I was fatigued to the point of needing a daily nap to make it through the day.  I was overweight, I had skin rashes and I was mentally beaten down with these physical challenges. I knew that if I could simply start exercising, then I could start turning my health around.
I had met a friend, through our sons’ school who was a fitness instructor at the gym near where I lived, and she encouraged me to join the gym and start attending group fitness classes. When I was ready to join, I did just that.  One of the first classes I attended was PiYo, and I was HOOKED!  I love a good challenge, and PiYo was just the right kind of challenge for me – tough but not impossible to do.  After several months attending classes at the gym, I eventually joined a Beachbody challenge group, which got me started on drinking Shakeology and eating healthier consistently.  THAT is when my life truly changed. Combining the daily exercise with the proper diet and Shakeology helped me lose 36 pounds and initially drop 10 pant sizes. I since gained about 5-6 pounds back in lean muscle and LOVE my body shape!!!!
I have now been instructing for over a year, and I instruct PiYo, TurboKick and BodyPump.  Hands down, PiYo is the base that all my other exercises and formats build from.  By teaching and taking PiYo, I am able to build strength in both my large and small muscle groups, work on balance, get cardio without the impact of most cardio classes or running, and it’s easy for me and my students to pick up quickly.  Everyone that comes to my class are pleasantly surprised by how much they enjoy PiYo and how different it is from all other classes. They keep coming back for more, just as I did!  I’m so thankful for PiYo because it has been a format that is full circle for me.  It got me started and kept me going at the beginning my fitness journey, and now I am able to give back to others by helping them in their journey to health and fitness.

Former Athlete and New Mom Gets Sculpted with PiYo

Posted by BBSuccess
Katie H. is a busy mom of two who recaptured her athleticism and sculpted her lean and strong body with PiYo!  Hear what she has to say about this amazing workout from Chalene Johnson below:

I am a 35 year old stay-at-home-mom of 2 great kids and a part time fitness instructor.  I was a competitive swimmer growing up and I have always loved exercise.  After the birth of my daughter in 2008, I packed on some pounds and was ready to get back in shape.  I lost the remaining baby weight but I wanted more.  In 2010 I went to my first PiYo class and fell in love!  Since then I really have transformed my body and the way I look at exercise.  I love that I get a total body workout without having to use any equipment.  It is amazing what a great workout I can get using only my body weight.  I also love that I can make anything high or low impact throughout.  When I leave class I feel incredibly strong and ready to tackle the day.  That is such a great feeling!  The moves flow so well and are still challenging to me, even after three years of doing it.  
This is the best part!  After about 3 months of consistent Piyo, I really started to notice a difference in my upper body and core.  There was much more muscle definition and toning.  Not only was it noticeable to me but all of my friends and family too.  My clothes started to fit better (most of them became too big), and I look better now than I ever have... and that is after the birth of my two kids.  I like how I am lean and muscular.  My legs are significantly stronger too, now that I do the entire workout high impact.  I don't think most women want to look "bulky" and Piyo is such a wonderful tool to lean out.  I hope to continue on this great path of health and I am just so happy to have found PiYo.  It is such a great workout!

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