Sunday, September 21, 2014

P90- A Redisigned Cutting Edge Workout

Hey all!

I am so thrilled to announce that Tony Horton is coming out with a revolutionary workout called P90. So before P90X, there was a revolutionary weight loss and body transformation program that started it all- Power 90. Now featuring redesigned, cutting-edge routines, welcome to Power 90 re imagined...the new P90 workout.

So who has ever done P90X, P90X2, and/ or P90X3? Even if you haven't and have seen the promo videos on them, off the bat they consist of high intense, hard core workouts. Well not every one thrives and lives off of those intense workouts. So that is why Tony created P90, so that it can accommodate anyone's lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, this is not a walk in the park. It's straight forward, fundamental, and doable. The program is easy to follow and will give you amazing results in how you look and how you feel. P90 is the workout to lose substantial weight without the agony of high-intensity exercise.

Here is the key!-
In as little as 25 minutes a day, P90 will help you completely change your body- not by working you harder- but by keeping it simple. Simple cardio. Simple resistance training. A simple approach to portion control. P90 will help you finally get the body you want.

When will it be available?
Well the expected release date is September 23, 2014 through a Team Beachbody Coach, which is me! So sign up for FREE to have me as your coach: (Join Team Beachbody). Once I see your contact info in my back office I will keep you updated and plugged in.

The beautiful thing about the program is having the awesome opportunity to be apart of an accountability support group. It's so much harder working out on your own, without having anyone to motivate you, encourage you, push you to your peak, coach you through the hardest days, and help teach you the fundamentals of clean eating. So this is where I come in!! Yay! Join me in my exclusive test group. This is a great opportunity for you to be apart of a fun, supportive group surrounded by like minded people. You will get endless support from me, as your coach, get the best transformation story and get a chance to enter in a $500 contest as well as get your free T-shirt for completing the program. This will kick start on October 13, 2014. This will give you time to get it ordered and get it in the mail on time, look it over, and we will set up a game plan together. There will be limited spots available so if you're interested then complete my application. Once you've submitted the form, I will contact you with further details and get the ball rolling to get the best results! Feel free to let your friends and family in on this amazing opportunity. Why not have someone do it with you, so that way you both have that extra support to cheer each other on. So what are you waiting for?  Make the decision to change your old habits and turn them into positive ones. Commit to a new healthier. Succeed by staying consistent, making goals, and joining my challenge group.

"A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success." -Elbert Hubbard

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