Wednesday, September 10, 2014

90 Days of P90X Complete!


I am so happy to announce that I finished P90X. Woo hoo! I can't believe how quickly those 90 days went. When I first started I was 9 months pregnant. It was my first pregnancy and I was gaining weight fairly quickly. At first, when I found out I was pregnant back in October I was so hesitant with incorporating any kind of exercise that I was doing before then just because I was so scared to miscarry like I did in the past. So I practically walked on egg shells until I was in my third trimester. Plus, in my first trimester I was always exhausted and overwhelmed with nausea I rarely made it through the days at work. However, once I noticed how much weight I was gaining I knew I had to implement some type of workout routine to sustain my fitness and health. After all it was discouraging hearing my midwife telling me I was gaining excessive weight. Not fun hearing that.

So my journey began. I remember telling myself, hey I have Insanity and P90X. I can totally do this while I'm hanging out at home, that way I don't have to be embarrassed about how much weight I've gained and trying to workout at the gym. I knew Insanity wasn't going to be my best option. There was no way I would be able to do all the high-intensity interval training, all the jumps, and speed intervals. Not with this baby inside of me. So P90X it was.

Oh boy when I started I was already breathing heavily during the warm-up. But I stuck with it and realized how much I started falling in love with it again. It was great because I knew I could modify and there was no pressure to try to go all out. I was 9 months pregnant after all.

As the weeks went by, I started getting in the hang of it and I absolutely loved every single minute of it. I was starting to get stronger. My endurance would increase, my weights got heavier, and I was feeling better about myself. I was having fun working out while being pregnant. It was awesome. It was my little stress reliever to anything I was feeling awful about that day.

Unfortunately, I had a resting gap and had to stop when I went into labor. This being my first pregnancy I had no clue how much your body needs to recover after delivering a baby. In my mind I thought, 'hey, I can snap back real quick and jump back into continuing my P90X.' Haha, boy I was dead wrong. Even when I thought I was feeling better, I knew it wouldn't be a smart idea to pick up where I left off. I was so anxious to get going, but it was important to listen to my body and get a full recovery first. Otherwise, I probably would have prolonged it.

In the meantime, I was able to do little challenges that I knew would help me build back up to where I left off in my P90X journey. So, while I was on Facebook I stumbled on the Spartan 30 day push up challenge. I thought, how cool, this is perfect! Even though the event was back in March or April, I still wanted to do it. I knew I needed to get stronger with my pushups anyways, I can just start off slow. At least this way I'm getting some type of exercise in while I was still trying to recover.

I remember trying to do one regular pushup and how much it hurt. Oh no, this was going to be tough! So I said, 'well Jules you just have to start with modified pushups.' So I did. It sucks having to start all over but that's the hardest hurdle to jump over. Once you do it and you stay consistent, you'll see progress. And sure enough after the 30 days, I was able to finally do 30 standard pushups.

Then I was hooked. I continued on and did the next month's challenge: Spartan 30 day Lunge Challenge. By that time I was strong enough to continue where I had left off with P90X.

60 days went by and then 90 days. The last 30 days I incorporated a hybrid workout with PiYo and boy did it kick my butt. Actually it's still quite challenging, even though it does seem easier, it's a sweat session for sure! I love every single day of it.
So here it is, the moment of truth....and these are my results.
P90X plus Shakeology:
So in 90 days I was able to lose a total of 22.8 pounds and 25.5 inches total. How awesome! I'm so proud of myself. My first pregnancy and I rocked out P90X. I seriously couldn't have done it without my support and accountability group I had. My amazing team of coaches and challengers kept me motivated and inspired every single day. Being a part of a challenge group not only provides support, accountability, motivation, and all the essential tools to know how to improve your health and fitness, it also introduces you to an amazing group of people who you become friends with throughout the challenge. I've seriously come across genuine, sincere women who have been in my shoes, who are going through the same exact things I was, feeling tired, thinking of giving up, feeling defeated, and not thinking they would reach their goals. However, the best part of it all was having them on your team cheering you on. I wouldn't have gotten these results without being a part of a challenge group. This is one of the reasons why I love being a part of this movement; why I became a coach!

So if you've ever thought of doing P90X, I would highly recommend it in a heart beat. P90X is such an amazing workout for anyone. If you're a beginner, advanced, pregnant, out of shape, younger, older, it doesn't matter. It's at a great pace that anyone can follow and you always have the option to modify. Oh you better believe I did plenty of that when I first started. There's no shame in modifying any type of exercise. The only shame you should feel is when you don't workout! Your body will thank you for it. You'll feel amazing and so happy that you did it! So if you're debating on whether or not you can do P90X, don't doubt yourself. You can do it! When you believe you can, you will succeed. No matter how much it may intimidate you, you can do anything you put your mind to. Don't let anyone get in your way, not even yourself. Life is too short to hold back! Live in the moment. Live the life you love and Love the life you live. Fitness should be a part of your life. If you need a mentor or a coach to help you along the way, shoot me an email. I'll be your free coach any day. That's right, I said FREE! Come join me in my accountability and support groups. Invite your best friends or family members to do it with you. I promise it'll be the best decision you make to start your journey to a healthier you. Contact me for more info!

"The purpose of life after all is to love it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences." -Eleanor Roosevelt

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