Tuesday, December 16, 2014

"Rock Your 2015 Resolution"

Oh my gosh! Where has 2014 gone? Seriously, didn't this year just start? I swear I remember last October so distinctively because that was the month I had found out I was pregnant with my baby boy. I had no clue I was even pregnant, it was so unexpected. And then bam!! Now, he is 5 months old. I'm sure you can all relate to how fast this year has gone by. It seriously seems like every year just happens so much faster than the last. Don't you agree?

Well, as you all know, with a New Year also brings forth New Year resolutions. Have you made your list of resolutions yet? Do you even have a solid plan that will make you successful this year? Did you know that a third of people who do make New Year resolutions will break them before the year is out; heck, they won't even make it to the end of January. Crazy right! So check out 10 tips that will help you be successful with your 2015 New Year Resolutions:

Your Action Plan

1. Write It and Measure It
Alright, so like any other goal, your resolution is as such. So your resolution should be both specific and measurable. Writing down goals is one of the best ways to accomplish them, and so is figuring out the exact steps needed to get there. So for instance, "I want to lose weight" is a common New Year resolution, however, you need to explain exactly how do you go from point A to point B? Choosing a more specific result, like "I want to lose 15 pounds by June this summer" gives you a specific amount of weight you'd like to lose and the time frame of when you want to attain it by. A great tool to use when writing down goals is the SMART model: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused, and Time-bound.

2. Make Resolutions Manageable
The key to sustainable resolutions is to make changes smaller and more gradual. So if your goal is to go from never lifting weights to wanting to gain muscle mass and tone up, then start with resistant training and low weights. Then over the course of a few months, gradually increase your weight along with your reps. So the best way to approach all your fitness resolutions is slow and steady.

3. Break Up the Goal
A goal that's either far in the future or far out of your comfort zone can be tough to start, so break that resolution down into achievable steps, or better yet, give yourself several smaller resolutions throughout the year. Say you want to add 80 pounds to your squat in 2015, aim to add 6.6 pounds per month. Doesn't that seem more achievable and less scary?

4. Treat Yourself!
What better way to reward yourself when you reach your goals? Choose a reward that won't undo your hard work, like a mani-pedi, massage, some new fitness swag (my personal favorite), or a movie date.

5. Question Your Motives
Superficial goals may lose their appeal after endless weeks of diet and exercise. Try framing fitness as a direct path to health and happiness. When you hit the gym think about why you made this resolution? What do you want to achieve? Is your end goal to inspire others that anyone can do it also? By developing answers that elicit a deep and powerful emotional response it can help motivate your goals.

6. Keep things Interesting
It's nice to stick to a scheduled routine. But keep things interesting by incorporating a variety of exercises. So if you're lifting weights 3 times a week and running twice a week, trying throwing in a yoga class or kickboxing for a cardio day. Mix and max so that way you don't get bored with your routine. This will make your exercise program more fun to follow and something you will grow to love doing, instead of it being like a chore.

7. Keep a Schedule
Time management is super important for accomplishing any goal. Make your fitness routine work for you. Pick a time of day when you have energy, schedule a workout, and rise and repeat.

8. Hold Yourself Accountable
Stay on track! Have a workout buddy or be involved in a fitness group where you have people who can help you stay accountable. This can be quite challenging on it's own, so get that support system. You'll need it to keep your motivation alive.

9. Don't Be Afraid to Scale Back
Don't feel pressurized to double yourself in pain and sweating your eyeballs out. Some people love intense workouts, but for others, ramping up the pain just means they'll dread the exercise. So challenge yourself to a workout that will push you a bit outside of your comfort zone, but there's no need to catapult yourself a thousand miles from it.

10. Be Forgiving
We all know that the start point of new beginnings are the most exciting, the most invigorating. So sometimes it's so easy to see it wear off and take a few days off, maybe even a week or two. Often times it leads to an "Ah, screw it" mentality and you end up wanting to quit entirely. But slip ups are fine. It happens, we all have our moments of weakness. We're all human right? If taking time off means slightly tweaking your resolution, then so bet it- just don't give up!!

It's so easy to jump into a fitness routine without thinking about working up a game plan, creating a schedule and writing down your goals. This is where people fail. So if you need that additional knowledge on where to get started and how to stick with your 2015 New Year resolution, then let me help you! I will be running a 60 day accountability, support fitness group called "Rock Your 2015 Resolution" beginning Monday, January 5th. I will teach you all of these things, we will work out a game plan, you will commit to me 100%, I will keep you accountable, keep you motivated, teach you meal planning and prepping, give you health tips, and teach you how to keep an amazing routine that you will be able to continue on and turn it into a lifestyle. So why not commit? You'll have an amazing support group that will be in the same exact boat you're in and know what you're going through and will help you stay accountable, cheer you on every day through the entire challenge, and motivate you to stick with your goals. It'll be a fun, exciting, rocking group!! Why not get your best transformation this year? Make 2015 your year! So head over to my link and make me your FREE coach. Let's rock this year together!!
Please fill out my application and we will discuss our game plan in further detail once you've completed it and have submitted it to me.

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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