Friday, August 15, 2014

When you feel defeated...get back up and try again!

There will be good days and there will be not so good days. We celebrate like heck when we get the best news, get the best recognition, and get the best glorification of what we've been working so hard for. And then when we slip up, it hits us ten times harder. Why is that? 

Today, I had one of those days. I moved up, and then I fell short the very next week. How does that happen? Things in life happen just like that. It's crazy right? Most times it's understandable, sometimes it's unbearable. But we push through. Why? Because if we stay stuck, then we get lost. We lose ourselves, we lose everything we believe in, we lose everything we have worked so hard for, and we lose our faith. All within a blink of an eye, if we stand still. 

We get discouraged because we become vulnerable. It weakens our entire being. It diminishes our spirit. That's why it hurts so badly. But only if we let it! So easily, we can just slip back to what we knew what we were so comfortable with. It's hard to think out of the box and be creative, to put yourself out there. When we push ourselves we stink of fear because we don't know what we're really capable of until we try. Have you ever had this feeling? Have you ever pushed yourself to the point where you scared yourself? Pretty intense stuff.

Today, was so absurd. I tried to do my best and just laugh at it. It wasn't a big deal, but it felt discouraging. People will not always agree with what you're doing and what you're trying to accomplish. They'll find ways to bring you down! Even if it's the smallest things. And what's funny is when they can't tell you straight to your face, they have to go behind your back and find authority to do it for them. Haha, sound familiar? I'm sure you guys have gone through a similar situation right? Of course! 

So even though today wasn't an enormous disappointment, it was big enough to grab my attention and blog about it. In the end, don't let someone stand in your way of what you've been fighting so hard for. When you have a goal or a dream, go for it with everything you've got! Starting out is always the hardest, most challenging obstacle we face. It will take time! It will take time! It will take time! I repeat that because I need to believe it myself. 

When we have our trials, we learn from them, we deal with it, feel what we need to feel, and then let it go. That's the only way to move forward. You can't dwell in the past and expect for things to change for the better in the future. The past will blur your vision, it'll beat your mind, and it'll weaken your soul. It's not about what happened, it's about what you'll do in order to get back up again. 

Man we live in a world of defeat. But we also live in a world of hope. Keep striving for greatness! I know I will. And you will too because I know you can. Anyone can. You just need to believe in yourself. Happy Aloha Friday everyone :)

"Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny..." -C.S. Lewis-


  1. Great encouraging words Julie! When we get knocked down we have to get back up! I'm sorry for your discouragement, but I'm happy you didn't let it stop you! Keep going forward girlfriend and I know you will have an extraordinary destiny! :)

    1. Thank you Debra! Hope all is well, haven't heard from you in awhile :)
