Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Fitness & Pregnancy Update

Sorry everyone, it's been awhile since I've written my last blog. Luckily, I have a great excuse....I had my son!! Konrad Keilani Mirador Bishop. Born on July 6, 2014. He came a week early and oh boy was it unexpected.

My water broke while we just got home from running errands. I was getting ready to sit down and felt a slight wetness just come out uncontrollably. I thought I peed myself but was thinking, "well I had absolute no control over that." I ran to the bathroom, sat on the toilet and yelled at my husband in a confused manner telling him, "Honey, I think my water just broke?" He was in absolute awe and shock and didn't know what to do. So after it sunk in for a quick minute, I quickly changed into a fresh pair of paints, we got our baby stuff ready, and off we went.

28 long, exhausting, and excruciating hours later...Konrad was born! Holy moly, those moments were the most painful yet happiest moments in my entire life. The labor, the contractions, the lack of sleep, and the 3 hours of pushing, was all worth it once I had my son in my arms. And here he is...
How blessed are we? My husband and I have waited so long for this precious moment and now it's finally here. God is good. He has blessed us tremendously.

So, during the first week of recovery I was miserably swollen and tired. My feet were ridiculously huge, it hurt to walk and be on them for just a few hours, my back was sore from the epidural, my arms were burning from pushing in all the positions the nurse had me go through, and my entire body was ready to shut down and be in sleep mode for a while. But I was a brand new momma and I wasn't going to let that affect my time with my son.

After the first week, I started feeling somewhat normal. Slowly started to get back into a routine. Well kind of. Haha! I haven't had much sleep, but I was used to it my last 2 months of pregnancy so it's been hard trying to prioritize my time and get back on track with my Beachbody Coach stuff. However, I am so happy to announce how much P90X and Shakeology has made a big difference throughout my last 2 months of pregnancy.

So here it is....
Before I was pregnant I weighed 152 pounds. Throughout my pregnancy, my weight gain fluctuated and some months my gains were right on track and others it was too much. All in all, I ended up gaining 45 pounds, weighing at 197. Today, I weigh 181. Woo hoo! Not too shabby for just the first week post pregnant. I can't express enough how staying consistent is the main ingredient to everything! Not only in health and fitness but in life as a whole.

This experience has been such an awesome journey thus far. However, it isn't over. I'm excited to announce that I have 2 more months of P90X to destroy and will be introducing my PiYo workout starting August 4, 2014! This will be my next challenge group. So if you're interested in taking on a 60 day PiYo & Shakeology challenge, please don't hesitate to contact me and fill out my form. I would love to have you start on your transformation story and help you along the way to meet your goals. So, act fast! It's never too late to start today.

"You don't get it by STARING
You don't get it by WISHING
You don't get it by DROOLING
You don't get it by HOPING
You don't get it EASY
You get it by getting off your ass
every SECOND of every day
for the rest of your LIFE."  

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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