Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Day 1 on the 3 Day Refresh

Alright, here it is...my first cleanse ever! I guess I have just never thought I would do well with doing a cleanse so that's why I was never really interested in doing them. But now that I'm in a funk and it's been so hard trying to lose weight with my exhausting schedule, I need a boost to kick start my weight loss goals and need a refresh to my nutrition. So this is perfect for me.

So for those of you who aren't familiar with the 3 Day Refresh, it is Beachbody's cleansing program that is simple and straightforward that won't leave you starving by the end of each day. While supporting your metabolism and nourishing your vital organs, this program consists of 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, the option to consume veggies, fruit, and healthy fats to keep your energy and metabolism going.

I have finished Day 1 and I have to say that the vanilla shakes for lunch and dinner taste really good along with the fiber drink. The fiber drink I was really hesitant because of how it looked, but I was really surprised at how easy it was to drink and how flavorful it was for being a fiber drink. I have to admit though, I started getting hungry by mid afternoon. And thankfully I had the option to add in fruit, vegetable, and a healthy fat into my lunch. So I went and had carrots and almond butter. Which definitely satisfied my hunger, along with the option to have hot tea. So I'm really happy with it so far. Now for the next two days, we will see how well I do!

I have to remind myself why I'm doing it and if I want the best results then I need to stick to it every single day. So here are my before photos:

My goal is to get down to 164! And by the end of this month my goal is to be down to 157. I am on a mission to lose my baby weight by my birthday January 8th! I am also planning on doing this after Thanksgiving if you would like to join me. It's always nice to have someone cheering you on to stay on track, stay motivated, and to have that added support when you're craving that extra cookie or over eat from all the Thanksgiving left over. So let me help you and let me coach you through 3 days of cleansing your body from over indulging from the Thanksgiving festivities!

"Refresh from Turkey Day" my 3 Day Refresh challenge group kicks off Monday, December 1. What's a better way to start off December the right way, feeling refreshed from eating way too much and neglecting your workouts? Join my group and lose those 5 pounds you gained on Turkey day.

Check out my site:

Sign up for a free account and make me your FREE coach. Then go to 'shop' and get your 3 Day Refresh Complete Kit with Shakeology. Once you get that done, message me and I will add you to my group! Let's stay on track this Holiday season by holding ourselves accountable. It can be challenging to resist that extra slice of pumpkin pie, or another serving of turkey, but the important thing is getting off your butt and doing something about it afterwards. And this will help you get a quick start on losing the weight you gained. Message me for more information!

"I'm working on a New me, not because the Old me is bad, but because the Old me CAN improve."

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