Wednesday, October 22, 2014

"Earn that Turkey" Fitness & Health Challenge Group

Can you believe that were rolling into November here soon? How exciting!? And for those of you who live in San Diego with me, it's finally starting to cool off for Fall. Wow San Diego! Finally. Haha. So in the awesome event of Thanksgiving, I wanted to start a challenge group "Earn that Turkey" on November 3rd, 2014 and teach you guys how to make smarter choices when it comes to over eating, over indulging, late night snacking, and kicking bad habits once in for all.

I mean what better time than now?! I know some of you probably think I'm crazy because it's the Holidays right? Tis the season to over indulge and stuff your tummy to the brim with that 12 pound turkey, plus stuffing, cranberry sauce, candied yams, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and corn, and gravy, and pumpkin pie, and pecan pie, with whipped cream. Oh my gosh am I making your mouth water yet? Haha. Then you say to yourself, "Eh, I'll wait until the New Year to change and make that resolution." That's 3 months away! 3 months! When you think about it, your gaining all that extra weight within that 90 day span that you could have prevented. You could have easily committed on kicking those bad habits, turning them into good ones and actually feel amazing come the New Year. And I bet you, when you start now and stick with it, your New Years resolution will change significantly and you will most likely stay on track and not quit 2 months later. It's all about making smart choices, and making those smart choices now.

I promise you will still enjoy the Holidays. Yes, the Holidays is all about the cooking and eating, but it's also about spending time with family, strengthening your faith, and relaxing. So why not prioritize your health and fitness also? It will keep you less stressed, keep your weight in check, make your progress, and maintain your stamina come the new year.

As your coach, I will teach you how to meal plan and prep, give you snack ideas, how to sneak in exercises during your busy holiday schedule, tips and tricks on how to eat clean when eating out, we will replace one meal a day with Shakeology, and post daily motivational/ interactive posts. 

So let's start off November right. Let me help you jump start new little healthy habits that will benefit you in the long run. Please fill out my application to be considered for my group.

"Do something today that your future self will thank you for."  

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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