Wednesday, September 3, 2014

2 month post pregnancy

Hey guys, wow, it's already September. Holy cow. Where did the time go? So Happy September everyone!! Yay for the Fall Season. I'm super happy about the holidays, it's my absolute favorite time of the year. So anyhow, I finally finished my June 23rd Summer Sizzle Challenge group. And I'm so happy with my results considering I started the challenge in my third trimester. So here it is...I lost a total of 22 pounds and 11 inches. Exciting stuff right there. I can only imagine how much more I could have accomplished if I wasn't pregnant. However, it just shows that even though you are, you can still do it!! I can't believe how fast those 60 days went. It's incredible how much faster time flies by after each year. I mean, it's already September! Wasn't it just January? 

Any ways, I wanted to flash back to my pregnancy and show you guys pictures of my imperfections and just simply reminisce of my first pregnancy. I have to admit, I do miss my baby bump and having Konrad Keilani in there kicking. Just October of last year, I went to the doc trying to figure out what was wrong with me. At first, I thought I was just sick. My husband and I, realized that if we were going to get pregnant that it was just going to happen on it's own and that we should leave it in God's hands. Soon after we did that, this little miracle baby came to light. When I got my test results back I was in utter shock and in disbelief. Haha, I can still clearly remember that day to the tee! As soon as I got into the truck I called Conrad. He seriously thought I was joking with him. He couldn't wrap it around his head and kept asking, "Are you sure? Are you sure? You're messing with me right?" Haha. Nope, I had the test right in my hands and it says I'm pregnant. How freaking cool.

Okay, so back to my progress. So right now I'm finishing up my last 30 days of P90X, since it's a 90 day workout. I absolutely love it and can't wait to get my hands on P90X2 and P90X3. Both programs look amazing! I also started up PiYo on August 4th, so I'm doing a hybrid workout right now. Let me tell you...PiYo is no joke. Chalene Johnson is amazing at kicking your butt and making you sweat. It's an awesome, awesome workout. I have yet to go to a live class. It's such a fun and exhilarating workout. I'm such a happy person at the end when I finish because damn they are hard! If you haven't gotten yours, I highly suggest it. Please feel free to comment or contact me for more details. 

Any, how so it's already almost been 30 days since I've been hitting it hard with PiYo and P90X. I'm thrilled to see how my progress has been so far. Check back with me August 9th and I'll post it. Once I am finished with this hybrid workout I'm rolling right into Shaun T's Focus T25 and Autumn Calabrese's 21 day fix hybrid. Oh man this is going to be a good one! Perfect for the holidays to keep my cardio at it's peak by incorporating high-intensity interval training and keeping my food intake in check with portion control. I already see it now, this is going to be so tough with all the baking and good holiday foods and festivities (sigh). But you have to do what it takes to get what you want. And yes, I do want my six pack!! Haha. 

Alright, with that said, who wants to join me in my journey? Like I always say, it's never to late to start today. Every day is a second chance at life! Let me know how I can help you get to your next health and fitness goal. Feel free to check out my awesome fitness page on Facebook: 

This group is free to anyone who's interested in getting the daily support and motivation to start living a healthier life. I run challenges every single month to help you incorporate daily exercises. It's completely up to you to commit to those simple tasks every single day to improve your health and your fitness. And for those who show me that you're making the effort every single day up until the end of the challenge, I always give out a prize. So why not join my group?! It's a fun way to be socially fit and be surrounded by like minded people who will help encourage you along the way. Today I challenge you to join my group and invite a friend or a few friends, and jump start your fitness. It doesn't take an expensive gym membership or a personal trainer to give you the best transformation of your life. It starts with you! And you can do it in the comfort of your own home for free.

"Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens to you." 
-Aldous Huxley-

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